20 Times Public Transportation Got Really Weird

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2. It’s Getting Hot In Here

Have you ever been on the train in the summer? It’s a living nightmare. This man couldn’t stand it any longer. Fanning magazines and using those tiny portable fans just wasn’t cutting it. His parents probably never told him that you shouldn’t turn the air conditioner on when the windows are open.


3. Stay Away, You Lousy Germs

This lady is not taking any risks with the Coronavirus. Most people are walking around with a measly medical mask over their noses and mouths, but this lady is armed with the finest armor to protect herself. She probably can’t fully breathe in there, but hey at least she won’t get sick!

4. When Transportation Needs Transportation

You would think that someone that has a vehicle wouldn’t need to take the train, but you really don’t know what to expect when it comes to taking public transportation. Not sure if this is a brilliant way to avoid coming in contact with people, or he is just so lazy that he couldn’t even drive to his destination.


5. At Least It’s Not A Rat

This guy managed to weasel his way onto the train…literally. The guy sitting next to him must be looking around to see if anyone else is seeing what he is seeing. It’s not the first thing you would think to see on your commute. It’s probably not even the second or third.


6. When Your Phone Just Isn’t Cutting It

Riding the train can be such a drag sometimes, you just wish you had something that could help you pass the time. Here is the solution. Just grab your giant TV screen and take it with you every time you ride the train. You are guaranteed to feel like the ride is one of the shortest in your life.


7. Would You Like Some Meat With Your Subway Ride?

Not sure why anyone would need to buy meat so urgently, that they couldn’t wait till they got off the train. This train in Seoul, South Korea, also doubles as a grocery store. For those people who love to multitask, this is a dream come true.


8. At Least He’s Not Taking Up Seats

People have been getting really innovative with their sleeping positions on the train. What prompted this man to squish into that small space just to get some Z’s? This is definitely not more comfortable than just sleeping on the bench. We guess he is just THAT polite, that he didn’t want to take up the seats.


9. Practicing His Pick Up Lines

Nowadays it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find true and meaningful connections. With dating sites being too sleazy and worldwide pandemics limiting human interaction, some people had to find other ways to satisfy their urge to communicate. Take this guy for example, he seems to be enjoying his conversation with this lovely paper lady.


10. When The Gyms Are Closed

Picture This: You’re on the way to workout at the gym, when they announce that they’re all going to be closed until further notice. Guess that means that you have to do your handstands in the subway station, while waiting for the train.


11. Those Subway Poles Are Dirty Anyway

This is the definition of utilizing your full potential. Who would have thought that a basic bathroom accessory can come in handy on the subway. Do you think she brought it on there with the intention to use it like that? Probably not, but that’s what makes it all the better.

12. Technically He Is In A Bag

“Fine! You want him in a bag, he’ll go in a bag!” With NYC’s new policy where dogs must be in bags in order to ride the subway, people have to get really creative. If you ask us, we think that this definitely constitutes being in a bag. Dogs need to get from A to B just as us humans do, and they shouldn’t have to be constrained to do so.


13. You Think She Knows How It Ends?

This woman seems to be so content reading her own book. Her face reads pride and fascination. It’s as if the thrill of knowing how it ends makes her want to read it even more. Imagine having the option to choose from a million books, but you choose the one that you’ve written and read countless times already.


14. Excuse Me, Miss, I Don’t Think That’s How You Wear It

We’re all just trying to do our best, but this lady clearly does not have a care in the world. Either she hasn’t seen the news (maybe because she has a mask over her eyes), or she’s playing a weird game of hide and seek. Maybe she thinks if she can’t see the virus, the virus can’t see her.


15. That’s Taking Recycling To Another Level

Fashion has really been evolving over the years. People are starting to get very creative with the materials they use. Take this lady for example. She is rocking that bubble wrap hat! We’re always left with a ton of bubble wrap after a move, or when we get a package in the mail, so why not repurpose it?


16. Fine Dining At Its Finest

You know that feeling when you’re on your way home with the food you bought for dinner, and you’re so hungry that you just can’t wait to eat it? Well, this guy took that feeling and ran with it all the way! He’s got the table set up, his water ready to go, all that’s missing is a bib to catch all the food that is bound to fly all over him when the train stops.


17. Lazy Would Be An Understatement

Not sure if he is charging his phone, himself, or both. This level of laziness is what we all have been feeling as of late. This man couldn’t even be bothered to hold his phone while it is charging, no, that would require too much energy. He looks as if he’s the one in need of charging.


18. She’s Taking Social Distancing Very Seriously

Sometimes on the train people can get a little too close. Well, this girl has the perfect solution for that. She built a lightweight social distancing dome, to ward off any people who don’t know the meaning of personal space. Not only is the shield effective, but it also makes her look like Marvel’s next superhero! Her power would be that she is indestructible. No man nor virus can get to her.


19. Someone’s Taking The Phrase “Au Naturel” Seriously

Only in New York will you be sitting on the train, and then a man covered in moss comes and sits right next to you. Actually, we’re not sure if this is a costume or not. Maybe this guy just wants to be one with nature, and has embraced it fully. His calling in life is to be a giant moss man and share his plant knowledge with the world.


20. New York’s Finest 5 Star Hostel

Can’t afford a hostel? No problem. This subway station has a bed at your disposal. This bed is fully equipped with a mattress, pillow, blanket, and sheets. But there is no guarantee that you won’t get lice, diseases, or bed bugs. At least it’s a free bed!


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