I’m an American who spent 6 months living in Europe. Here are 5 lifestyle changes I’ll be taking back with me to the US.

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I’m going to make an effort to find mini adventures near my hometown.

When I travel, I actively try to accumulate the most experiences in an area, from museums and landmarks to local events. But I feel guilty about not always doing this at home. It’s similar to the cliché that some born-and-bred New Yorkers have never been to the Statue of Liberty.

Some of my favorite experiences in Europe weren’t the grand, famous monuments but the quirky things I encountered in small towns.

I loved seeing a statue of a goat king in Kerry, Ireland, and stumbling upon an older couple giving an alphorn concert in a Swiss village.

I’m certain there are similar gems close to my hometown, and now I’m determined to find them.

I’ll be embracing the idea that less is more.

The Europeans I met were wonderful at having a “less is more” mindset. They owned fewer things, like clothes and decor items, and bought less food at once than I did in the US.

They seemed to have a different attitude about buying things in general. Part of this is likely because European apartments are generally smaller than American homes.

And because Europe has banned food additives that are legal in the US, some foods went bad faster than I was used to.

After shopping less while abroad, I’m going to try to maintain that habit stateside.

Using two duvets instead of one comforter is a game changer.

In my marriage, I’m known as the “blanket hog” — though this is still hotly debated on my end. So when my husband and I walked into an alpine cabin and saw two neatly folded duvets over the bed, he was ecstatic.

We encountered this several times throughout our journey, and I must admit, having my own fluffy blanket to cuddle into was pretty nice. And the duvet covers are way easier to wash than a comforter.

I’m excited to continue following soccer.

Americans still haven’t embraced soccer the way other countries have. Though I’ll always be a diehard American football fan, being in Europe for the UEFA European Championship opened my eyes to just how electrifying soccer can be.

From the team chants and bitter rivalries to the epic watch parties, I’ll be setting my alarm to watch some major games from across the pond.



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