The Most Intriguing Public Sculptures From Across The World

Sculpture is one of the earliest forms of human expression. Since humans have learned to shape objects into something else, sculptures have become a staple in society from the streets of ancient Rome to the streets of our modern cities. Today, the standard seems to be ‘the weirder the sculpture, the better.’ These are some of the most bizarre sculptures that can be found around the world.


Picture of statue

Located on the south bank of the Thames between the Tower of London and City Hall, you will find a 46-foot-long and10-foot-high statue of a man that appears to be swimming in the grass.

Oddly, the structure is built to promote tattoos, with the swimmer sporting a large tattoo on its back to advertise London Ink, a show on the Discovery Channel. The statue is made out of reinforced polystyrene and is hand-painted.